Whether it’s your first time standing on the front dock waiting to take your child to their swim lesson or years of memories of family and friends, Juniper Island is a place that many of us call our second home.

But the ASLC is more than summer programs. We work year-round to preserve Juniper Island’s history & heritage, and help keep Ston(e)y Lake healthy for future generations. And with your membership you also receive our ANNUAL ISLANDER MAGAZINE and ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP DIRECTORY.

Some of what we do:

  • partner with various organizations to advocate on environmental issues affecting Ston(e)y Lake like Starry Stonewort, real estate development on the lake, and protecting our wetlands;

  • through our newsletter inform our members and followers about not only our programs but environmental issues, sustainable cottaging measures, and local events;

  • keep the Juniper Island Store up and running by selecting and mentoring its operators;

  • manage capital improvements to ensure that the Store is compliant with the health and safety regulations;

  • organize and pay for (with support from the SLYC) garbage collection and recycling;

  • monitor and minimize our environment footprint through initiatives like eliminating plastic bottles in 2019;

  • maintain and monitor the island’s washrooms;

  • run community events (in non-Covid years) like square dances, movies, children's masquerade, Wing Night, and more;

  • hire, schedule and manage programs like swimming, canoeing, yoga, and environment camps;

  • run the historic regatta and Mile Swim; and

  • maintain the library and museum.

Please join now as your membership and participation in the ASLC is critical to the future of our lake community.

(Photo by Sandra Harris)